If you would like to contact Carolyn Shuff or have any questions regarding a custom project order please fill out the form to the right. We will try to respond promptly. Thank you for your interest in Shuff Customs!

You may also call, or e-mail Shuff Customs using the information below.

email: shuffcustoms@yahoo.com


phone: (515) 402-6461  (Carolyn)


Contact Shuff Customs


Carolyn Shuff

     For over twenty years, Carolyn has been creating a variety of art including drawings, pyrography (wood burning), jewelry, dream catchers and many other small project crafts with unique and original detailing that make her creations one of a kind!

     Carolyn first went into business selling hand-made dream catchers and medicine wheels when she was 13. When she was 15 she created a bird house decorated in the style of Aboriginal Tjukurpa (dot painting representing dreams) that was displayed in the Des Moines, Iowa Art Center before being auctioned off for children's charities.

     Over the years she has continued to explore with different mediums and styles until she found what interested her the most was drawing and wood burning.

     Carolyn currently lives with her husband and children in a beautiful countryside setting  located in the middle of nowhere Iowa! She intends to continue creating and presenting her art through various outlets such as farmer's markets and Etsy and EBay.